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Wildly Rooted Podcast Interview

Jen Isabel Friend

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

Thank for having me on the podcast, Vanessa. It was a joy to chat water with you. I hope everyone finds some value in this! Enjoy

From Vanessa, aka @WildlyRooted : "In this epic#FeedYourWildPodcastepisode, we’re speaking with Isabel Friend- @jenisabelfriend - International Water Advocate, public speaker, Reiki master, & teacher. The topic of this episode is so critically important and relevant to every living being on this Earth that I really encourage you to listen in... ⠀

Isabel takes us on a magical journey of wild water... Do you know where your water comes from? Isabel talks about this natural journey from the womb of Mother Earth rising to the surface and into your cells. We touch on the importance of drinking local wild water, how you can source wild water, the most important resource that Isabel wants you to know. ⠀

Beyond the health aspects of water and hydration, Isabel goes into the new biology of water looking at structured water, what that means, how do we get access to structured water, how do we create structured water, and why drinking unstructured bulk water is problematic for our health. ⠀

We weave into the cosmic and esoteric aspects of water, and communion with water as a spiritual act that feeds our health on a very deep level. ⠀

Isabel shares the origin stories that contain water from indigenous perspectives and the ways that humans have been communing with living water as a source of information, Divinity and tapping into the memory of the universe. ⠀

Of course, we also discuss the very real problems that we are seeing from our distorted relationship with the elements and with Mother Earth... ⠀

I also share an Akashic Record reading on water that I channeled just before we hopped on the call for the interview.⠀

Isabel also has a Special Discount on her eCourse for FYW Listeners!⠀


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What to drink, what not to drink, and WHY. 

Find out how different kinds of water affect your mind

and your body very differently. Because what you drink, you become.




The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health.

Copyright  ©  2021  -  Isabel Friend  -  Water Is Life

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